Ask the dietician: do I have to eat my training calories back?

Four slices of toast with different toppings, including creamy spread, chopped leafy vegetables, grated vegetables and sun -dried tomatoes. A hand is picking up one of the slices. Perfect for those who are aware of calories or the search for approved choices of dietitians, these toast are ranked on a white background. Myfitnesspal blog

If you train, you have probably wondered how many training calories your sweat sessions burn. Some treadmills or other cardio machines even reflect the number of calories that you supposedly burn as you have worked out.

But do you have to eat calories back? It seems logical to add them to your daily calorie goal and to enjoy an extra snack.

But the truth is that there is no simple yes or no answer to this burning question. Whether you should eat those practice calories depends on various factors, including your specific goals, training routine and how your body feels.

“First and foremost, it is always best to listen to the signals from your body,” says MyfitnessPal Dietist Brookell White.

‘Are you hungry and do you have to feed your body? Then it is best to listen and consume those calories, regardless of your calorie goal, “she says.

Apart from hunger pangs, let’s investigate the many factors that can guide your decision about the time of calories eating calories and how you can make the best choice for your personal health and fitness goals.

It is not an exact science

Most fitness trackers and apps offer an estimate of how many calories you burn during a training, but remember: these are just estimates (1).

“Trackers of Energie -Easters are not always perfectly accurate,” says White. “So eating those calories can mean that you will eat more calories than you go, making it difficult to lose or retain weight. It is very common for people to overestimate the amount of burnt calories and also underestimate the amount of calories they consume, ”says White.

A study by Cornell University showed that almost everyone misunderstands their calorie intake. People with a normal weight tend to underestimate around 20% (2). Some other sources suggest that the discrepancy can be as high as 50%! ((2).

“Plus, calories burned in exercise do not correspond to the same increase in the total burnt calories for the day,” Nelson explains. “In other words, if you burn 100 calories by exercise, you only increase your daily calorie burn by around 70 calories (5). “

This can make it difficult to maintain a calorie deficiency, what is needed for weight loss, or to prevent you from eating more than your body needs for maintenance.

About the experts

Brookell White, MS, RDis a registered dietician and food data curator at MyfitnessPal. She earned her bachelors and masters at San Diego State University and completed her internship at Sodexo. Her areas of attention include metabolism, intestinal health, obesity and weight management.

Stephanie Nelson, MS, RD is a registered dietitian and is the internal nutritionist and nutrition scientist of MyfitnessPal. Passionate about promoting a healthy lifestyle, Stephanie graduated from San Diego State University with a focus on research and disease prevention.

Factors to consider set your calorific goals

Various factors can help you determine whether you should eat those practice calories again:

Weight goals

If you want to get muscles and are not focused on weight loss, it can be logical to eat your training calories back. Maybe you need those extra calories for muscle recovery and growth (3).

If weight loss is your goal, Nelson recommends that you take into account your burned training calories when you set your activity level in MyfitnessPal. You can generally eat enough. “This will increase your daily calorie goal slightly, but not as much as a typical practice tracker.

Exercise intensity

If you are a marathon runner or triathlete, it is different than if you are typical training a 20 -minute walk.

“People who participate in an hour or more from moderate to high intensive exercise a few times a week, probably need those extra calories to support muscle recovery and growth and feed training,” explains White (3).

However, if you train less often or with less intensity, you may not need the extra fuel.


One of the best ways to decide if you should eat calories back is to listen to your body. According to White it can be fairly simple.

‘Ask yourself:’ am I hungry? “If the answer is yes, then it is probably best to listen and consume those calories by eating nourishing food,” she says. A low -calorie and high protein food such as Greek yogurt can be a great choice.

4 tips on how you can decide if you can eat calories

If you are still not sure whether you want to eat your training calories, these tips from the White can help guide your decision:

1. Start with a hydration control

Clinical studies have shown that 37% of people are mistaken for hunger (4). Before reaching food, you can get in touch with your hydratation levels. First have a glass of water and see if your hunger is decreasing.

2. Don’t get stuck to the figures

Remember that fitness trackers offer calorie homes. Do not feel under pressure to eat all the calories that were burned during exercise if you are not hungry or your progress suggests that it is not necessary. Do not go hungry at the same time to achieve a calorie goal.

3. Focus on high quality proteins and carbohydrates

If you decide to eat back some training calories, prioritize nutritious food that will help with recovery, such as lean proteins and full grains. This helps to ensure that you get quality calories that support your fitness goals.

5. Spread meals and snacks

If you have collected 500 training calories, you don’t have to eat them in one blow. Instead, consider spreading a few meals or snacks during the day. This can help to prevent food and to maintain steady energy levels.

Why does MyfitnessPal add calories back practice?

Myfitnesspal Adds practice calories to your daily calorie goal to help you balance your energy intake with your energy consumption.

As Brookell White notes: “Your calorie goal is calculated based on your weight goals, depending on whether you want to lose, maintain or arrive. Technically, you would eat calories back. ”

But that choice must always be based on your individual situation and goals, says White.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, calories of your training calories depend on your situation.

If you try to lose weight, be careful when eating it. If you concentrate on building muscles or maintaining your weight, eat those extra calories if you are hungry.

Anyway, it is essential to listen to your body, check your progress and make adjustments if necessary.

Originally published on December 15, 2016; Updated 17 February 2025

Post Ask the dietician: do I have to eat my training calories back? first appeared on Myfitnesspal blog.

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